Thursday, September 6, 2007

Is there a Higher Power?

I have been trying to find an answer for many years now.

Science was a big part of my education. Over my school years, I read about the laws of physics, about biology and genetics, evolution and the galaxies. Science can explain how a flower blooms, how a human life is concieved from an embryo, how the big bang happened billions of years ago, how galaxies and stars are born, how the dinosaurs became extinct, how the human race has evolved .. it has answers to many complex aspects of our universe, nature and life.

Humans have made an amazing journey from the life-style of a cave-man to the modern life-style of today, with our cities, our technology, our gadgets, and our conveniences. I believe the credit for this goes to humans.

With so much knowledge out there, we are still not able to find answers to so many questions.

What is the source of our universe?
What is the purpose of life?
What makes our minds think and our hearts beat?
What makes us good or bad?

For now, I am still on the fence ..


Deepali said...

My 2 bits if I may -

I think this is the kind of question you never really get an answer for - you just finally settle to that belief toward which you tend to bend more.

Thing is, I drove myself crazy asking questions. I didn't find any answers. Also always felt that I wouldn't get satisfying answers (which might be why I didn't get answers in the first place). Anyway I decided to ask different questions.

I didn't ask 'is there a god', instead I asked whether it would make me a difference if there was or wasn't one. I didn't ask if there was something like hell / heaven / karma etc. I asked whether I would do things differently if these existed. Etc etc.

For me surprisingly, having these answers gave me more peace of mind because I realized that some core beliefs would always remain the same - you know it's wrong to send your parents to an old age home. It's wrong to see someone who needs help and not help. It's wrong not to feel guilty if you don't help someone who needs help, etc. I don't feel the need anymore to have the 'higher answers'. Some say it's just my way of being lazy. I admit I am but today not worrying about these questions makes me more content (with the universe hehe sorry couldn't resist that one) than believing I am pursuing higher truths etc.

Cosmic Joy said...

You are right, one may never find any answers to these questions ..

I'm glad you have found your answers and your peace of mind .. but I am not giving up .. maybe, someday, I will find mine :-)