Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Into the unknown

The other day, as I was surfing the web, I stumbled into the mysterious realm of Blogging. The word blog was not new for me. I had read about it in many news articles. But that day, as I clicked through the various hyperlinks, I realised the true meaning of blogging.

Each new link took me to a new place, to a new person, and to a new viewpoint or opinion. Needless to say, I spent many hours reading about Dee's little words of wisdom, a daily diary for A's kids, books that RB had read lately, VD's chronicles .. the list went on and on. In a nutshell, I was hooked!

Later in the night, as I lay in bed, I toyed with the idea of starting my own blog. Reading somebody else's blog was easy enough. But to actually have the courage to publish my own thoughts scared me. In the end, a compromise was reached. I decided to start my blog, but with an assumed identity.

So here it is, my own blog. It is about how I view the world around me .. through the prism of my life.


Deepali said...

So I am going to say to you something I have never said to anyone before...

Welcome to the world of blogging lol

Cosmic Joy said...

Thanks. Starting it was easy .. the hard part will be to keep it up :)

Deepali said...

Oh yeah thats for sure...

just pk said...

i too think it is a great star...i agree it is tuff to post ur inner most thoughts for the world to read...and abt "keeping it up"...keep posting as and when time permits, and some day you will have good collection to read thru...or may be share it with ur grandchildren :) good luck ... and happy blogging!!!