Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Fading Memories

We all have memories of the days gone by .. of the bad phases of our life, and of the good times we experienced .. of the ones we regret, and of the ones that bring a smile to our face .. of our childhood days in school and college, and of the time we can never get back .. of the moments that were memorable, and of the moments that we wish never happened.

Some memories become an inseparable part of our identity and mesh themselves into our lives. They stay in the background .. just beneath the surface .. and at times they come out when we least expect them .. and take us back into time to ..

.. a person .. a wound .. a laugh .. a lover .. a face .. a stranger .. an event .. a view .. a friend .. an acquaintance .. a smile .. an arch rival .. a letter .. a ride .. a teacher .. an infatuation .. an insult .. a journey ..

Why is it that some memories are quickly forgotten, and others last a lifetime?

Why is it that some of the memories that we think are going to last a lifetime, start fading away with the changing times?

Is it our mind's way of telling us stop living in the past?

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