Monday, February 4, 2008

The 20 questions tag

- Tagged by Solitaire

Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them that they have been tagged.

1 - Name Three Most Valuable Assets?

Immediate Family - To lose your near and dear ones is to lose the purpose of life.

Health - Without physical or mental well-being, life will be a big challenge.

Conscience - Without my inner voice to guide me, I will be lost.

2 - If you have the chance, what would you probably say to your beloved one?

Aati kya khandala ??

3 - If you were to be stranded alone on a desert island, what would you miss the most? (My Question)

I would miss a lot of things .. but most of all, I would miss my two lil angels.

4 - Where is the place that you want to go the most?

Home - no matter how bright and interesting the outside world appears, home is where the heart is.

5 - If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?

It would be that there is no crime in our world.

6 - What are you afraid to lose the most?

My sanity.

7 - What would you do if you found a briefcase full of money?

Will try to return it to the owner if possible. Otherwise, turn it in to the authorities.

8 - If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?

Been there, done that, dont remember any of it :)

9 - List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you...

From the little I know about Solitaire, she is ..

- Someone who advocates social issues via her posts
- Someone who writes interesting but sad stories
- Someone who seems to be fair and balanced

10 - What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?

Someone who understands me and accepts me for what I am. Same applies to me.

11 - Which type of person do you hate the most?

My Aks .. the devil within me.

12 - What is your ambition?

A loving family, a fulfilling job, and a satisfying life.

13 - What is the thing that will make you think someone is a bad person?

Someone who does not care for others.

14 - Christmas is coming, who do you like to celebrate with?

That would be with my near and dear ones .. [ BTW, I certainly consider some of my favourite bollywood actresses near and dear too ;) ]

15 - If you could do one thing different in life, what would it be?

That would be to go back into my life and undo any mistakes I have committed. But then, i may not end up where I am now, and I do not want to change that! So .. I guess I dont want to do anything differently. It is what it is.

16 - Are you a shopaholic or no?

Not really, though I do enjoy ocassional shopping.

17 - What is your stress buster?

My stress buster would be to tackle the issues that cause stress and take care of them so that there is no more stress.

18 - What should be done to people who make such long tags?

Re-tag them with longer tags!

19 - Do all of us like what are we doing here ?

I assume the question is related to what we are doing here on earth, in our lives. I think the answer is no. Not all of us are happy with our lives. Too much suffering and unhappiness all around the world. Too much inequality.

20 - Name one favorite song of yours.

A difficult question since there is a song for every emotion or mood .. If I had to name any one favourite song, I would choose mitwa - kabhi alvida na kehna

Phew .. this tag does make you think hard! Makes me a firm believer in my answer to question 18!!

As for tagging other people, most of the people I know in my blog circle have been tagged already .. so if there is anyone else out there who is reading my blog, I would appreciate it if you can take the time to tag yourselves and drop me a comment.

Thanks :)


Solitaire said...

Thank you for all those nice things you had to say about me.
I have one question for you.
What is your name?

Preethi said...

hey cosmic..... you did it. nice to know a wee bit more about you since you are maintaining absolute secrecy otherwise :) I have my personal favs....changing no.3 (smart move;)
11 and 17.

Cosmic Joy said...

@solitaire - I was only being nice .. take everything I say with a pinch of salt ;) And regretfully, I will not be able to answer your question for now .. maybe some other day.

@preethi - Thanks! To be honest, I never expected to have so many 'blog buddies' include cosmic in their responses to Q3. My changing the question was not about being smart .. but more about avoiding a difficult question.

Pri said...

@ cosmic joy
thats a tag well executed...:)
ur fav actress is rani mukherji---just a guess...heehee

ceedy said...

nicely executed :)
just wondering what if she says yes to khandala....that will be a heck of a long and expensive trip....

Cosmic Joy said...

@pri - Thanks for the comments. And yes, rani is one of my fav actresses! how did you guess that??

@ceedy - Well, it will be money well-spent, methinks :)

ceedy said...

:)...was just wondering....but i agree....if she agrees it will all be GUD :)

Romila said...

Smart replies, without exposing much:)esp. the Q.8

Lakshmi said...

Interesting ..dont think I will be answer so smartly

Cosmic Joy said...

@romila - we all have our boundaries :)

@backpakker - Nothing smart about mine .. I saw you did the tag too .. and it was interesting too :)

adhishg said...

good going.... intriguing questionnare..your blog is really good..