Thursday, March 13, 2008

Tagged - SWOT Analysis

Tagged by Pavi..

This tag is to perform a SWOT analysis on myself, to list out what I consider to be my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.


1) My foremost strength is my conscience. It is my guiding principle that ensures I stay on the right path.

2) I consider my family and close friends as a strength. For they are the ones who stand by me in good and bad times.

3) My physical and mental health is also a strength. There is no denying that it's much easier to lead your life without a handicap.

4) Another strength is my career and job, which provides me not only with a means of a comfortable livelihood, but also expands my horizons and helps me lead a fulfilling life.


1) Not being able to get the right work-life-family balance is a weakness.

2) Organization, or I should say lack of it. I need to do better at preparing for unexpected or expected eventualities.

3) Not doing my fair share of social work in spite of having the means.

4) Not being the best I can be when it comes to interactions with others.


1) I feel each new day brings opportunities. Its just that we don't always see them.

2) Being educated, with a decent job and financial stability is an opportunity. It allows you the freedom to pursue other aspirations.

3) Living in a free society. This is a very important opportunity.


1) Age. With age comes lethargy, and we begin to lose the drive and enthusiasm that we all have when we are younger. In addition, health issues can also crop up unexpectedly.

2) A world conflict. I seriously believe things are going to get from bad to worse in the coming years.

3) Unexpected events for which we are never prepared. Life is well-known for that.

I am not re-tagging anyone. If you are interested in doing this tag, please feel free and drop me a line :)


Pri said...

a very honest tag :)
well done!

Pavi!!!! said...

Thanks for doing the tag:-)

Interesting..u've mentioned sumthings thats actually universally appilcable but we take for granted like
- good health as a strength
- not doing fair amt of social work
- Living in a Free society as an oppurtunity

n hey kyon re?Why do u think the world is moving frm bad to worse:(?

Romila said...

Very practical tag replies.

Shows the practical, socially concerned, family man in you.

ceedy said...

dont be such a pessimist !!!!!

whats going to happen to the world :)

very true and honest post - and agree with your opportunities....

Deepali said...

Don't worry about the age thing - amount lethargy doesn't really always have a co-relation with how old you are. As me I have been lazy whether I was 8, 15, 22 and even now.

Good you didn't re-tag - I am sure I would have been on the list and these are the kind of tags I don't like. You have to think too much. But apparently in interviews 'list your strengths and weaknesses' is like the favourite question of all interviewers.

Quaint Murmur said...

I think the fact that you think about giving back to society is a great thing. Most people wouldn't admit they had the means to, even if they did.
Very candid, very nice.

And though I'm not a pessimist, I think the world's going from bad to worse too.

Cosmic Joy said...

@pri - Thanks :)

@pavi - Its not a thinking, but just an observation. Not just politically, but also in terms of terrorism, crimes, depletion of natural resources, global warming, changing weather patterns.

@romila - first time someone called me that .. a family man! I feel old now :(

@ceedy - if your name for reality is pessimism, so be it :)

@deepali - You may be right .. you can be lethargic when young, but lethargy does come with age for sure.

@QM - Thanks .. but thinking is not enough .. and btw welcome to the pessimist club :)

Solitaire said...

Nice to know a little bit more about you!

Preethi said...

Are you a Virgo? I don't think you need to hide this now! So come out with it. ;)

Cosmic Joy said...

@solitaire - Thanks! I know it doesnt come across well on blogsphere when one keeps their identity under wraps, but thats a choice i made.

@preethi - You are .. close! I am not a virgo :)